If you are looking for a Vouched For a Lineaged Group to join here are a few Traditions that have lists you will want to join.

​Gardnerian Wicca Seekers and Initiates Group
If you are seeking for a vouched for Gardnerian Group in your area you can join the public Seekers Group on Facebook.

Alexandrian Wicca Seekers and Initiates Group
If you are seeking for a vouched for Alexandrian Group in your area you can join the public Seekers Group on Facebook.

The Minoan Brotherhood is a men's initiatory tradition of the craft for men that love men. If you are seeking for a Minoan Brotherhood Group in your area you can visit the official website or this page.

Horsa Witchcraft Seekers and Initiates Group
If you are seeking a vouched for Horsa, Sacred Pentagraph or Gala Witchcraft coven in your area, you can join the public Seekers Group on Facebook.

If you are seeking for a vouched for CVW Group in your area you can join the public Seekers Group on Facebook.

If you are seeking for a vouched for BTW Group in your area you can join the public Seekers Discord Group.

If you are seeking for a vouched for BFC Group in your area you can join the public Seekers Group on Facebook or you can find more info here.